Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I had a good title for this blog, but i started writing the blog and forgot it. Thanks Islam for making me tired.

So I've been doing work with the FBI over the past month. They've hired us to help them with a court case against an Islamic group that helps to fund the Hamas and other terrorist groups in Palestine, through a "charity" that also helps orphaned children who's parents have martyred themselves. Then they raise the children to become the new martyrs.

When initially handed this project, i was excited about it. I mean come on, the FBI! How many opportunities does a person get to work side by side with our governments most secret organization? It's like working with Mulder and Skully, solving the mysteries of the Qur'an. So i took the job and ran with it.

One month later, and we're only half way done with the project. Oh by the way, the due date is Friday........morning. So i've spent the last two days working 14 hours each day.

Now please don't misunderstand, i don't mind working late hours, i love my job, and the project is easy. There is just so much of it, and it's incredibly draining.

Imagine if you can hearing for 14 hours a day, in Arabic, that the blood of the martyr is honored by God higher than anything else in existence. Death, killing, brain washing, greed and money. It's awful. I am so emotionally and physically drained by the end of my work day i can barely stay awake, and then once i get to sleep all my dreams are in Arabic. I keep hearing "Duckville" (which is what, "Say God is Great", sounds like in Arabic), then "Allah Akbar," which is God is Great in Arabic.

This project has made me appreciate my own faith more and more, and very thankful that we have prophets on this earth today to help guide us away from paths like that.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

aren't you supposed to keep quiet when you work for the FBI? Does this mean you'll have to kill everyone that reads this blog?