Monday, November 24, 2008

The Cliche Adventures of "This Guy"

This is a project that came into my store the other day. I was so angry because there was FOUR HOURS of this. I repeat FOUR HOURS!!!!!! Now that i've had a chance to chill out and actually watch it, I don't know how i could have lived without this........ Thank goodness for the purple candy store.


Alison said...

I made it to minute 3. Wow. Woweeewowwow! It made me laugh AND want to claw my eyes out all at the same time. Is there an award for inspiring that emotion in people? Cause that's quite a talent that guy's got there, and I feel it should be "rewarded." Geesh.

Erica said...

Oh dear holy crap. M&M's are the trick treats of creeps. It's like he is reading my mind.